St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

Virtual Sunday School 31 January

This week, we meet two people who waited many years to meet Jesus and we think about how good we are at waiting.

School Worship Week 4 EYFS and KS1

This week we hear a story about Marvin getting a new job and a parable from the Bible about a man with 2 sons

School Worship Week 4 KS2

This week's parable is about 2 sons who were asked to help their dad. One said yes and the other said no. We think about who was most helpful

Zoom Service 24 January

Today, we met on Zoom again, and we thought about Jesus calling Philip and Nathanael to "Come and See" and we consider our reaction to the call to Come and See

Virtual Sunday School for 24 January

Today we hear about Philip and Nathanael. We think about God's call for us to follow him and how we can do that and help other people follow him too.

School Worship Week 1 Epiphany KS2

This week, on our first online Worship, we think about the Wise Men visiting Jesus and why that's still important for us today.

School Worship Week 1 Epiphany EYFS and KS1

In our first online worship, we think about the Wise Men visiting Jesus, and of course, Marvin comes to help us understand

School Worship Week 2 Introduction to Parables EYFS and KS1

This week, we begin a series of Worships all about parables that Jesus told. Today we read the Parable of the Sower, as well as thinking about why we read the parables.

School Worship Week 2 Introduction to Parables KS2

This week, we start a series of Worships about Jesus' parables. Today we read the parable of the sower, and we think about what we learn from these parables.

School Worship Week 3 KS2

This week, we read the Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids and think about how important it is that we do things straight away, rather than putting them off until the last minute

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