St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School

3.45pm Family Church monthly

5.00pm Pizza & Praise monthly

Morning Prayer 9 August 2020

A short service of the Word thinking about Jesus' Praise Picnic and the feeding of the 5000

Virtual Sunday School for 2 August

Join us for the second week of our Summer Explorers sessions. This week, we think about God the Protector

Morning Prayer 26 July 2020

Join us, as we think about the parable of the weeds in Matthew's gospel

Virtual Sunday School for 26 July

Join us here, or at church each week, as we learn more of God through his amazing creation. We will be Summer Explorers over the next 6 weeks

Holy Communion Service 19 July 2020

Join us for a service of Holy Communion as we think about suffering and evil in the world and how God will overcome it

Virtual Sunday School for 19 July

Following on from last week, today we hear the parable of the weeds and the wheat

Morning Prayer 12 July 2020

Join us in church for a service of Morning Prayer as Peter preaches about the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard from Matthew 20

Virtual Sunday School for 12 July

Join us for Sunday School, as we think about the parable of the Sower and what it means for us today.

Holy Communion Service 5 July 2020

Listen to our full 10:30 service at church for the first time since mid-March

Virtual Sunday School 5 July 2020

Today's Sunday School lesson for those not able to join us at church yet. Thoughts about coming to Jesus whenever and wherever we are.