St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

The Lodge


Several people have said that they would like to donate to the Platinum Jubilee Lodge Appeal, but would prefer to make donations towards a specific item, rather than donating into a general fund. If you feel able to donate you don’t have to buy the item – we will do that – just let us know what you wish to buy and arrange to transfer the appropriate amount of money.

A donation of £10 could buy any of the following: dustpan and brush, doormat, cleaning products, washing up caddy, toilet roll holder, toilet brush. A donation of £20 could buy any of these items: small folding tables, mop and bucket, coat hooks, waste bins, wall clock. A £30 donation could be used to buy a mirror for the toilet area, a baby change unit, or window blinds.

If you are able to spare £50, this would buy us a computer desk or a bracket to mount the (already donated) TV.  £150 would buy the fridge or children’s work table we need.  Finally, we will need to buy some new chairs, which are likely to cost £25 for the children and £45 for adult chairs. 

If you prefer, a general donation can be made, some of which will be used to assist teaching for our children and young people’s work, and adult discussion groups, including DVD’s, books, craft materials, stationery etc. 

If you feel able to make a donation, thank you so much. There are three ways to donate: place your gift in the collection on our Harvest gift day on 2nd October, clearly marked; or hand it before then in an envelope to the churchwardens clearly marked with your wishes; or transfer the amount to:

PCC Hoole Parish Church A/c no: 84453034 sort code: 40-37-25 using the

reference “lodge FandF” – advising the wardens of any purchasing preference.










We would like to say a big thank you to the Allchurches Trust for awarding the below grant.


If anyone would like to donate to our cause please follow the link below.



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